Last updated on April 11th, 2017 at 12:19 pm
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Welcome to Part 2 of the Talent ID & Management series. As you may recall from Part 1, I am talking you through a presentation I have given to English FA and English Rugby in recent months, on the subject of Talent ID and development.
Keeping that theme going, today’s section of the presentation tackles the “bets” we make when we invest in young sportspeople, and how those bets are inherently inefficient because we lack the tools to measure performance, to predict future performance, and to control “real life” that sometimes gets in the way.
Understanding this inefficiency, and the factors driving it, is key to figuring out how best to improve it, and how, in some instances, to use inefficiencies in one area for advantages in others. That’s where we are headed, but for today, please enjoy a section specific on the inefficiencies!
As before, the YouTube comes first, and you can see the entire Prezi below it.
[prezi id=”kedeon8rg-kl” html5=1 width=”700″ autoplay=0]