10 seconds over 400m If you did a double-take as you read that headline, you’re not alone. About three hours ago, I received a phone call from a radio station in Canada asking my opinion on this latest research finding. I had not even heard of it, having been in meetings and presentations all day. […]
Archives for November 2009
Are marathon times getting faster or not?
As US fans continue to drink in the first American victory in New York since 1982, we thought we would follow up the race report with a further analysis of marathon times. If you read the comments to the , Joe Garland and cassio598 mentioned that in the early years of the race the course was four […]
NYC Marathon 2009 race report
By now you would have heard the news and probably read much about it—in both races in New York the runners did not play to the script and there were big upsets all around. For some fans change might be hard, but we welcome it as it means there was unpredictable events and it made […]
New York 2009: Race analysis and splits
If you’ve come here for live splits, I’m afraid I have been beaten by technology this time around. Between the feed from Universal Sports breaking up on me every 2 seconds, and the hotel wireless access in Boston, I did not manage to even watch the race, let alone document the splits. Even now, 8 […]
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