Yesterday, I did a , looking at whether we are close to reaching a ceiling of human performance? As mentioned, it has been a recurring theme since we began this site. For today though, an interesting approach to the issue dawned on me. The main argument in yesterday’s post was that human performance is limited […]
Archives for November 2010
The limit of human performance: How much faster?
Today we revisit a topic that seems to run like carousel, popping up once every few months on the site – how much faster can human beings run? How close to a “ceiling” in performance are we? The latest discussion is inspired by a few articles, and a recent round-table discussion between some of the […]
2010 ING New York City Marathon – Results
It was another great day of racing in a big city marathon as two “novice” winners were crowned today. Gebre Gebrmariam (ETH) and Edna Kiplagat (KEN), stormed to victory today. The conditions were nice, but New York never produces fast times, and true to form Gebrmariam won in 2:08:14 while Kiplagat ran a 2:28:40—the third […]
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