In the second part of my 2014 Review series, I look at three of the sports science stories that made news – the sub-2 hour marathon, doping in the marathon & Justin Gatlin’s great year
Archives for 2014
2014 Wrap Part 1: Week by week musings
A look back at 2014, using my weekly “Times” newspaper column to cover some of the biggest sporting stories and their management and scientific implications.
The 2-hour marathon and the 4-min mile
A recently launched group plans to help runners go under 2 hours for the marathon in five years. is it feasible? For many reasons, I say no. The 4-min mile analogy is often used – here’s my response to that particular thought.
A stragetic and tactical talent management perspective: The viable athlete
The identification and management of talent is primarily a strategic and tactical function. Too often it is approached as operational, the what and how taking precedence over the why. That leads to ineffective delivery. This post explores the balance between purpose and practice.
High performance: Complex simplicity
At the recent BASES conference in the UK, Team GB’s track cycling team presented their high performance philosophy. It boils down to “complex simplicity”, and its principles are relevant to any coach or HP manager, even beyond sport