Heat-induced collapses, retirements and capitulations finally forced Australian Open organizers to suspend play on Day 4 due to extreme heat. Amidst allegations of inhumane conditions, here are thoughts on the physiology of the heat, and why perceptions of comfort may hold the compromise solution
Archives for January 2014
Symmetrical knees and sprint performance: The Jamaican secret?
A recent study found that sprint performance in Jamaicans was related to the symmetry of their knees. The media pounced, and explained Usain Bolt’s success as the product of symmetry. Is there any basis for this? I evaluate the argument.
The World Record Suspicion survey, and some related thoughts
Just how believable are the T&F world records? An online poll sparks some questions, some analysis and some thoughts on the state of the sport and doping. Read on for insight and analysis
A 2014 resolution: More nuance, less extremism
Let’s kick off 2014 with a resolution to kick over-simplifications and extremism science to the gutter