Last updated on April 11th, 2017 at 12:19 pm
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Let’s try something new…sorry for the dungeon look, it’s done in transit.
Here is the presentation that I gave to the English FA and the English RFU over the last week. Well, it’s an extended version of that talk, and the plan, as I describe in the video above, is to talk you through it piece by piece over coming months, as my time (and energy levels) allow. Enjoy!
[prezi id=”kedeon8rg-kl” html5=1 width=”700″ autoplay=0]
Then if you’re in this area, two recommended follows on Twitter are the two gents who invited me to the events I mention in the clips, and where I presented parts of the presentation above.
They are:
Stuart Armstrong – @stu_arm, who is the man on player development for the RFU.
Nick Levett – @nlevett Nick is Talent Identification Manager at the FA
And then to email me if you’d like to hear more or have a talk that explains the slides: or