Last updated on April 11th, 2017 at 11:57 am
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
I’ve spent the last week, a very stimulating one, at the IMG Academy in Brandenton Florida, where I’ve lectured on the IAAF Level 5 and USATF Level 3 coaching courses. The specific theme of this year’s Academy was Youth Sport, and I did four lectures in total – three on Talent ID and Specialization issues, and one on supplement use in youths.
The three talent ID lectures are below. These are primarily for the good coaches who attended the Academy, though of course I hope everyone gets some value out of them. If you’ve been a regular on this site, you’ll recognize many of the concepts and slides, so I do apologize for repetition, but as I say, this post is for those coaches who I was lucky enough to spend the week with. I learned a great deal from you, and hope our paths cross again in the future.
This is the material I presented in Florida, and I hope that you all take something from them (If the slides don’t work here, it’s usually something to do with how it’s embedded in a browswer. Or something. Just click on the hyperlink title of the presentation on the top left and you’ll be taken to a page where it will work).
But most of all, remember: Nullius in verba, always question your answers and be scientists in your thinking!
[ribbon toplink=true]1. Myths of HP Talent Development: The 10,000 hour concept, early specialization and the Growth Mindset misapplication[/ribbon]
[prezi id=”ectouqiwxxit” html5=1 width=”700″ autoplay=0]
[ribbon toplink=true]2. The genetic basis for elite performance: Can genes identify talent?[/ribbon]
[prezi id=”07rjdkc–w7c” html5=1 width=660 autoplay=0]
[ribbon toplink=true]3. Talent ID: The Concept and application of talent ID as a budgeting decision[/ribbon]
[prezi id=”vqxaeoaq5kf_” html5=1 width=660 autoplay=0]