Three wishes for 2015 – a doping focus on a sport other than cycling, more head-to-head competition, and less force-feeding of cherries and extreme science. None are likely true, but one can wish…
Year in review: Sports website of the year
If you are a regular reader of this site, then you probably appreciate analysis and insight more than most. At least, that’s what we try to provide. You may be one of those people who watches sport with a more dispassionate eye, rather trying to understand why teams score, why space was created, why goals/tried […]
It’s Spain!
Spain are the World Champions. A tense, highly dramatic final in Johannesburg went all the way to the wire, through 90 minutes and very nearly through extra-time, but an Andreas Iniesta goal in the 116th minute gave Spain a well deserved win. 46 fouls (compared to only 16 in the equally competitive semi-final) and 13 […]
More feedback on football and cycling
I have too little energy (and time) for a proper, in-depth post, but as promised, analysis from last night’s World Cup final is now done, courtesy Zonal Marking. It’s another great analysis, from a site that has really increased my enjoyment of the tournament, and you can read it here. I wish that all sports would […]
The World Cup Final and leTour 2010 hits the Alps
62 games down, 2 to go. And the final game, on Sunday night, will see a first-time world champion crowned when either the Spanish or Dutch claim the World Cup. Gladiators in a Colosseum It will be an incredible match at an incredible venue. I was fortunate enough to watch World Cup matches at Loftus […]
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