Yesterday, I was sent this link. It says that Dwain Chambers, he of THG and a doping ban in 2004 (!), is making a comeback, hoping to qualify for Team GB at the European Indoor Championships. At the age of 40. Well, almost 41. My first thought was “Of course he is”, and then upon […]
US sports
Talent ID & Development: IAAF Level 5 and USATF Level 3 lectures
I’ve spent the last week, a very stimulating one, at the IMG Academy in Brandenton Florida, where I’ve lectured on the IAAF Level 5 and USATF Level 3 coaching courses. The specific theme of this year’s Academy was Youth Sport, and I did four lectures in total – three on Talent ID and Specialization issues, […]
Doping news and insights
Tomorrow I will begin the first major series of 2010 – Exercise and Weight loss, which is mainly in response to Time Magazine’s article last year, which explained “Why Exercise won’t make you thin”. Exercise and weight loss is a topic that we absolutely had to cover, because for all the focus we’ve had on high performance, elite […]
Doping, management and inquisitions
It’s been a pretty controversial last 48 hours for US sport, with the revelations that Alex Rodriguez, the owner of baseball’s richest ever contract ($275 million over 10 years with the Yankees) has admitted to using steroids during a period from 2001 to 2003. It means that one of baseball’s great heroes is now tainted with the same […]
The Mitchell Report at a glance
Former Senate majority leader George Mitchell’s report on drug use in baseball was released on Friday afternoon, and sent the pundits and talking heads venting over the airwaves this past weekend. It is a behemoth of a report at 409 pages, and for all of those with some spare time this holiday season, you can […]