We introduce and contrast two theories for fatigue – peripheral and central models, along with examples, and introducing pacing strategy
Fatigue/Central Governor
Fatigue and Exercise: Part I A
On Tuesday, we introduced a new series on Fatigue and Performance, which, based on the comments and responses so far, promises to provide much food for thought, interesting discussion and a few strong opinions! And thinking about the subject (see my thoughts at the bottom of this post), it’s clear that the most difficult part of […]
Fatigue Series: Introduction
Here’s one of the million dollar questions in sports sciences today: How is it possible for a 10km runner to SPEED UP in the final 400m of his race? And if he had that “reserve capacity” all along, why did he not speed up 800m before the end? Or 2km? The whole way? As you […]
Fatigue examined
The mystery of Fatigue: At the “centre of the physiology universe” lies the question of what limits exercise performance? Even the definition of fatigue is controversial, but once you get into this issue, the complexity and intricacy of the human body becomes apparent. We can’t offer definitive answers here. As we’ve said often before, if […]
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