Today sees the third part of our series on muscle cramps. It was going to be the final instalment in this particular series, but we’ve received some excellent and thoughtful questions and comments on the issue, so have decided that we’ll do a fourth post, just summarizing some of those key “sticking” points. It seems from the […]
Fluid, heat & thermoregulation
Muscle Cramps: Part II
In part one of this new series we tried to set the scene by providing some history in this area of muscle cramps. At times it might seem like we are a bit heavy on the historical side, but as we mentioned in one of our , understanding the historical record is crucial as often […]
Muscle Cramps: Part I
As promised in yesterday’s post, today we kick off our latest series – Muscle Cramps. We hope that none of you did cramp in the middle of the night, as we mentioned yesterday! Though if you did, we’re sure you stretched your calf and avoided the temptation to point your toe! This is a follow-on […]
Muscle cramp ‘teasers’. . .
Ah, the joys of the University calendar! We must apologize for our somewhat lengthy absence – it has been 5 days since we last did a post, which I think is the longest break we’ve had since we began The Science of Sport in April earlier this year! But we have good reason, for both […]
Fluid intake Debate: Comments from a doctor
Last week saw our , where we described the development of our perceptions around drinking during exercise. We looked at how there has been a radical shift in perceptions since the 1970′s and how the current scientific evidence is beginning to swing that perception around again. Where it was once recommended that you drink, drink, […]