I’m back with a short thought on sport! Turns out these haven’t always been short enough to allow me to do them as often as I’d have liked, apologies. But let’s see how this one goes! So Asbel Kiprop is due to hear his fate any day now. On March 23rd, I read an article […]
Sports Science
On Transgender athletes and performance advantages
Ok, here goes. I’ve been meaning to write this for a while, but time and energy have not allowed it. But I’ve just been involved in some lively Twitter discussions, ultimately productive, so I’m going to try to share some thoughts around this issue of transgender females (male-to-female transitioning people) competing in women’s sport. It’s […]
4-bullet Friday: More on the age-elite athlete thing, you all rock, plus “My most interesting” links for you
Real quick-fire today, with some links and things I found interesting this week: [ribbon toplink=true]1. The elite athlete and age: Follow up on my last post[/ribbon] On Wednesday, I wrote a short thought on whether the conventional wisdom around how elite athletes “expire” and fade with age may be outdated. Seems to me that we […]
The aging of elite performance: “Geriatric champions” and have the rules for getting older changed?
Yesterday, I was sent this link. It says that Dwain Chambers, he of THG and a doping ban in 2004 (!), is making a comeback, hoping to qualify for Team GB at the European Indoor Championships. At the age of 40. Well, almost 41. My first thought was “Of course he is”, and then upon […]
NUDGE: A data-driven attempt at reducing concussion risk in rugby. A process explained
Rugby, like many contact sports, faces a concussion issue. Over the last three years, I have been involved in research and subsequent law change and education to attempt to reduce concussion risk in the sport. In this article, I explain, step by step, what that process has involved and why certain decisions were made.