The physiological implications of performance are explained in this article. They show plausibility, within historical contexts, but also compel the same questions to be asked of the sport.
exercise physiology
Early vs Late Specialization: When should children specialize in sport?
There is no single pathway to success in sport. If there were, we wouldn’t be able to compare the stories of Chrissie Wellington, who discovered her remarkable talent late in life but went on to dominate IronMan Triathlon within a few years, to that of another endurance athlete, say Floyd Landis, who began cycling at […]
The Central Governor and the Athlete’s Clock: Pacing and performance
Jonathan came across the video below earlier today. Now, I must confess that I had never heard of the speaker, a Dr Thomas Rowland. Nor have I had the opportunity to read the book about which he speaks in this interview, called “The Athlete’s Clock“. But the concept grabbed my attention immediately, because as you […]
The limit of human performance: How much faster?
Today we revisit a topic that seems to run like carousel, popping up once every few months on the site – how much faster can human beings run? How close to a “ceiling” in performance are we? The latest discussion is inspired by a few articles, and a recent round-table discussion between some of the […]
The mental edge: Thoughts and opinions
It’s been far too long between posts for me – I do apologize, but as Jonathan said in yesterday’s post, things have been rather frantic for both of us. And seem likely to continue, but (fortunately, I guess), I’m recovering from jet-lag and a round-the-world trip which has me waking up at 4am, so I […]
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