First, if you did not catch the NY Velocity interview with Ross, be sure to—Andy Shen and co do a great job over there and produce some excellent interviews. Their site is a must read for any serious or enthusiastic cyclist, whether or not they reside in NYC. Back in June I was very fortunate to present two […]
fluid intake
NFL, Gatorade and bananas
Superbowl Sunday has come and gone, and New York Giants played the part of giant slayers by upsetting the New England Patriots, a team that steam-rolled the competition during the regular season, and even when against the ropes always seemed to be able to pull out a win from somewhere. Not in Superbowl XLII however, […]
Muscle Cramps: Part V
We have now run the entire gamut in this series on cramps, and it has been quite a ride. This series generated the more reader interest than any of our other posts or series, and let us say again how grateful we are for your participation in the debates and discussion. As academics, we hold […]
Sports drinks, sweat and electrolytes – part 2
In the we introduced you to Randy, our imaginary 70 kg average male runner, and we created some potential scenarios regarding his fluid and sodium losses and replacement. The biggest take home message was to listen to your body and to drink to thirst, as this has been shown again and again in the field […]
Muscle Cramps: Part IV
Over the past week, we’ve taken what has turned out to be a pretty intense look at muscle cramps. We began with a , without any substantial evidence for this theory. We then moved on to show that, in fact, – this is pretty strongly suggestive that cramping is not caused by either dehydration or […]
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