[headline h=3]Why waiting until you are thirsty is NOT too late[/headline] We really hope everyone is enjoying this series on dehydration so far. It is proving fun and challenging to write, and we hope that is coming across in the posts. So far we investigated the history of fluid ingestion in , demonstrated why it […]
fluid intake
Chicago Marathon 2007 death
In the last few weeks, we have run a series of posts investigating the events of the 30th Chicago Marathon, where record high temperatures caused the early cancellation of the race, amid record numbers of medical cases and emergencies. We , suggesting that blood pressure and unfamiliarity with the heat were more likely the cause […]
Fluid intake, dehydration and exercise: Part III
Welcome back for Part III in this series on fluid intake and dehydration during exercise! Thus far we have examined a brief history of fluid replacement during endurance exercise in , and in we tried to explain how some of the lab research has perhaps been over-interpreted, and how that has lead to a false […]
Fluid intake, dehydration and exercise: Part II
Today sees the second post in our series on fluid intake, dehydration and exercise. Yesterday we looked at the history of fluid intake and how radically our beliefs on the subject had changed. Today we turn our attention to the evidence that has accompanied this shift, beginning with the contention that runners who become dehydrated […]
Fluid intake, dehydration and exercise: Part I
Today we begin our five part series on fluid intake during exercise. As discussed, we will look at this complex and somewhat controversial issue over the next two weeks, covering the following topics: The story begins, as most do, at the beginning…a look at the history of fluid intake and drinking during endurance exercise, which […]
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