First, if you did not catch the NY Velocity interview with Ross, be sure to—Andy Shen and co do a great job over there and produce some excellent interviews. Their site is a must read for any serious or enthusiastic cyclist, whether or not they reside in NYC. Back in June I was very fortunate to present two […]
Sports drinks, sweat and electrolytes – part 2
In the we introduced you to Randy, our imaginary 70 kg average male runner, and we created some potential scenarios regarding his fluid and sodium losses and replacement. The biggest take home message was to listen to your body and to drink to thirst, as this has been shown again and again in the field […]
Fluid intake, dehydration and exercise: Part II
Today sees the second post in our series on fluid intake, dehydration and exercise. Yesterday we looked at the history of fluid intake and how radically our beliefs on the subject had changed. Today we turn our attention to the evidence that has accompanied this shift, beginning with the contention that runners who become dehydrated […]
Fluid intake, dehydration and exercise: A new series of posts
First let us say a big “Thank You” to everyone who has asked questions, posted comments, and contributed to the debates here at the Science of Sport. We have had an incredibly positive reaction to our posts on the Chicago Marathon, and many relevant and good questions were asked in the wake of those posts. […]
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